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Showing posts from December, 2019

Spring Controllers!

What actually spring framework is? What it is all about? Source: There are a lot of things that application developers in JAVA have to tackle with. That is the reason we have frameworks. Frameworks tackle common application problems by providing structure and common patterns which makes the process of building applications, easier. So spring framework, as its name suggest, is a framework which provides patterns and structure for JAVA applications. In the process, it handles the common things the developers need to do while building a JAVA application. Spring is not just the core framework, but there are a whole lot of projects which are all part of the spring family of projects. In that sense, it is not just a framework, it is an ecosystem. 3 common problems the Spring Framework addresses- 1.         APPLICATI...

Cracking the enigma for Microfrontends!

“Software architecture should never be an end goal, but a means to an end” I write this blog from the perspective of an inexperienced learner and hence the language adopted here would be in the layman’s terms making it easier to understand. We begin with the most obvious and important question that one should know the answer to before studying the applications of Micro frontend, i.e.  what is meant by the term Micro frontend.  Micro frontend is basically a term for Self-contained Systems or Frontend Integration for Vertical Systems which simply refer to an idea that considers a website or a web app as a composition of features which are owned by independent teams. Each team has a distinct area of business or mission it cares about and specializes in. A team is cross-functional and develops its features end-to-end, from database to user interface. Now we consider the secondary question:  How would using micro frontend development architecture over the t...